Centre for Policy on Ageing


Nutrition concerns of low-income elderly women and related social support. [and] A new efficacious nutrition education tool for seniors (50+ years)
 — [2 articles]
Author(s)Michelle B Pierce, Nancy W Sheehan, Ann M Ferris, Amy Peterson
Corporate AuthorElderly Nutrition Education Group (ENE)
Journal titleJournal of Nutrition for the Elderly, vol 21, no 3, 2002
Pagespp 35-64 (Nutrition education for older adults)
KeywordsOlder women ; Poor elderly ; Nutrition ; Education ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe two articles in this collection deal with a variety of issues regarding nutrition education for varying populations of older adults. Reports of current research, successful programme implementation activities, educational materials, reviews of published literature on relevant topics and viewpoints are included. The compilation is the result of work by the Elderly Nutrition Education Group (ENE), an independent group of American nutrition professionals with strong interest in and commitment to the importance of nutrition education for older adults. These articles are the result of an ENE symposium held in 1999 in Baltimore, MD, that invited participants to submit manuscripts highlighting their specific area of interest and other articles will follow. The series began with two Current Practice articles and continues with two more: "Nutrition concerns of low income elderly women and related social support"; and "A new efficacious tool for seniors (50+ years)". (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020802208 A
ClassmarkBD: F:W6: CF: V: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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