Centre for Policy on Ageing


Morale and quality of life among frail older users of community care
 — key issues for the success of community care
Author(s)Charles Patmore
Journal titleQuality in Ageing, vol 3, no 2, June 2002
Pagespp 30-38
KeywordsCommunity care ; Domiciliary services ; Social Services Departments ; Usage [services] ; Quality of life ; Depression ; Morale ; Social surveys.
AnnotationMany social services departments (SSDs) have successfully developed services which meet older people's physical survival needs so that, despite serious disabilities, they can continue living in their own homes. An emerging priority is to support the morale and quality of life of these same individuals. Assisted by the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU), a team of social services managers conducted a programme of interviews designed to obtain the views of very old, frail home care clients about their services and their lives in general. A few interviewees expressed very low morale, and this seemed to reduce substantially their ratings of satisfaction with the help they received. While it is well established that disability and isolation are linked to depression in older people, it is rare for service providers to systematically tackle their problems. Some practical strategies for this purpose are proposed as a result of this survey. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020718204 A
ClassmarkPA: N: PF: QLD: F:59: ENR: DQ: 3F

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