Centre for Policy on Ageing


Living arrangements and family support among older persons in India
 — emerging trends and implications
Author(s)P Ilango
Journal titleBOLD, vol 12, no 3, May 2002
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), May 2002
Pagespp 3-18
KeywordsDemography ; Living patterns ; Family care ; India.
AnnotationThe choice of living arrangement - as an independent household, together with adult children or other related or unrelated persons, or in an institution - strongly influences an older person's psychological and economic well-being. It also affects the non-old, because, if most older people chose to stay independent, then housing becomes relatively more scarce. This article presents demographic profiles of older people (age 60+) in India, and according to living arrangements for rural and urban areas. Trends in the burden of support for older people are examined. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020628204 A
ClassmarkS8: K7: P6:SJ: 7FA

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