Centre for Policy on Ageing


Pre-intervention assessment for disruptive behavior problems
 — a focus on staff needs
Author(s)E L Cassidy, J I Sheikh
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 6, no 2, May 2002
Pagespp 166-171
KeywordsDementia ; Behaviour disorders ; Evaluation ; Mental disorder ; Personnel ; Psychiatrists ; Evaluation.
AnnotationMental health professionals are often called upon to assist institutions in their struggle to manage the behaviour problems associated with dementia. This article provides an example of a typical behavioural consultation. The various methods of assessment - including typographical, functional and observational - are described in the context of planning future interventions. Results indicate that a large proportion of staff time (about 40%) is spent implementing such interventions. Although the time required is great, frontline staff are adept at using less invasive interventions first. Implications for subsequent interventions, need for continued evaluation, and reassessing levels of staff burden are discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020613212 A
ClassmarkEA: EP: 4C: E: QM: QT9: 4C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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