Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intermediate care: moving forward
 — National Service Framework for Older People: supporting implementation
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, June 2002
Pages42 pp
KeywordsMedical care ; Rehabilitation ; Aftercare ; Social policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationIntermediate care is a range of integrated services to promote faster recovery from illness, prevent unnecessary acute hospital admissions, support timely discharge from hospital, and maximise independent living. This review of progress in intermediate care aims to support further development by highlighting "success factors": the appendices include examples of good practice. Comments are invited on the following key issues that were considered at a Department of Health (DH) workshop: mental health; clinical governance; medical assessment; the role of housing; and learning from good practice. This document notes that the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) is bound together by four principles: person-centred care; whole system working; timely access to specialist care; and promoting health and active life. These should underpin the planning and delivery of intermediate care services and provide a yardstick against which they can be assessed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020611003 B
ClassmarkLK: LM: LN: TM2: 6OA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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