Centre for Policy on Ageing


Moral lessons from the jury box
Author(s)Ben A Rich
Journal titleJournal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, vol 16, no 1,, 2002
Pagespp 81-92
KeywordsPain ; Drugs ; Terminal care ; Social ethics ; The Judiciary ; United States of America.
AnnotationIn 1991, a North Carolina jury awarded millions of dollars in damages because of a healthcare institution's failure to provide appropriate pain relief to a dying patient. In 2001, a California jury found a physician guilty of elder abuse for his failure to properly manage the pain of a cancer patient. In both instances, state licensing boards had failed to take any disciplinary action against those involved. These cases dramatically illustrate a significant and persistent gulf between the lay public and the health professions with regard to the moral significance they attach to the duty to relieve suffering. Measures to ensure that all patients receive effective assessment and management of their pain must take into account this disparity, and endeavour to achieve congruence by reconnecting the health professions to their ancient and core value - the relief of suffering. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020524202 A
ClassmarkCT7: LLD: LV: TQ: VY: 7T

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