Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health within illness
 — experiences of chronically ill/disabled people
Author(s)Elizabeth Lindsey
Journal titleJournal of Advanced Nursing, vol 24, 1996
Pagespp 465-472
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Chronic illness ; Physical disabilities ; Attitude ; Interpretation.
AnnotationThe results are presented of an interpretative phenomenological study of eight people with a chronic illness or disability and their experiences of feeling healthy. The themes emerging that describe their health experiences include: honouring the self; seeking and connecting with others; creating opportunities; celebrating life; transcending the self; and acquiring a state of grace. The significance of these results is that they provide for a reconceptualisation of health and illness. Such a reconceptualisation calls for a transformation in nursing care, from a problem focus and a deficit perspective, to one which focuses on the client's capacity and the promotion of health and healing. (OFFPRINT.) (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020522218 A
ClassmarkCC: CI: BN: DP: 4CC *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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