Centre for Policy on Ageing


Preventing or stopping harm to older people living at home
Author(s)Mary Lane
Journal titleElder Law and Finance, vol 2, no 1, 2002
Pagespp 11-15
KeywordsMental disorder ; Neglect [care] ; Elder abuse ; Living in the community ; Rights [elderly] ; Law.
AnnotationThe law on autonomy, mental capacity and protection for vulnerable older people from abuse or neglect is outdated and needs reform. The Law Commission's report "Mental incapacity" (Law Com no 231, 1995) recommended the repeal of s47 of the National Assistance Act 1948 (removal from place of residence against a person's will), and of s135(1) and (3) of the Mental Health Act 1983 (police powers to enter premises to remove a mentally disordered person). This article outlines how the law operates, supported by information from Action on Elder Abuse which asserts that "freedom to choose is a higher priority than the elder's safety". (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020514202 A
ClassmarkE: QNR: QNT: K4: IKR: VR

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