Centre for Policy on Ageing


Long-term effects of mammography screening
 — updated overview of the Swedish randomised trials
Author(s)Lennarth Nystrom, Ingvar Andersson, Nils Bjurstam
Journal titleThe Lancet, vol 359, no 9310, 16 March 2002
Pagespp 909-919
KeywordsOlder women ; Cancer ; Screening ; Death ; Longitudinal surveys ; Sweden.
Annotation247,010 trials (invited group 129,750, control group 117,280) conducted up to and including 1996 have been followed up by record linkage to the Swedish Cancer and Cause of Death Registers. The relative risk (RR) for breast cancer death and mortality were calculated for the invited and the control groups. There were 511 breast cancer deaths in 1,864,770 women-years in the invited groups, and 584 breast cancer deaths in 1,688,440 women-years in the control groups, a significant 21% reduction in cancer mortality. Reduction was greatest in the age group 60-69 years at entry. Looking at 5-year age groups, there were statistically significant effects in the age groups 55-59, 60-64 and 65-69 years. The advantageous effect of breast screening or breast cancer mortality persists after long-term follow-up. Recent criticism against the Swedish randomised controlled trials is misleading and scientifically unfounded. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020513201 A
ClassmarkBD: CK: 3V: CW: 3J: 76P *

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