Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age, health and driving
 — longitudinally observed changes in reported general health, in mileage, self-rated competence and in attitudes of older drivers
Author(s)Patrick Rabbitt, Alex Carmichael, Val Shilling
Corporate AuthorAge and Cognitive Performance Research Centre, University of Manchester; AA Foundation for Road Safety Research, Automobile Association
PublisherAA Foundation for Road Safety Research, Basingstoke, 2002
Pages43 pp
SourceAA Foundation for Road Safety Research, Norfolk House, Priestley Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 9NY.
KeywordsDriving capability ; Health [elderly] ; Attitude ; Longitudinal surveys.
Annotation395 of the 1780 drivers interviewed in 1994-95 for the 1996 report, "When and why older drivers give up driving" who were still active motorists in 1997-1998 completed the same questionnaire. Comparing responses given by these individuals at these two times provides longitudinal data on the effects of increasing age and changes in health on car use, and self-perceptions of driving competence. The questionnaire and report also covers: public transport and mobility issues; attributions of cause of driving accidents; attitudes towards car ownership and perceptions of advantages and disadvantages to giving up car ownership; attitudes towards older drivers; acceptability of proposals and sanctions to increase safety of older drivers; and relative values placed on different sources of advice on changing driving behaviour as age advances. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020513001 B
ClassmarkOPF: CC: DP: 3J

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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