Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health concerns among India's elderly
Author(s)S Irudaya Rajan, U S Mishra, P S Sarma
Journal titleInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol 53, no 3, 2001
Pagespp 181-194
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Health services ; Social surveys ; India.
AnnotationTwo sets of independent sources are used to critically examine the health situation of older people in India. The National Sample Survey in its 42nd Round (July 1986-June 1987) canvassed a nationwide survey covering 50,000 households in 8312 villages and 4546 urban blocks in India to understand the socio-economic profile of aged persons. Secondly, an ageing survey (1993) was conducted in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Gujarat and Krarnataka states in India by the authors to study the elderly life in terms of general feeling, living arrangements, living support, social security, health, nutrition, their involvement in social and religious matters, views of old age homes, and particularly life preparatory measures. The survey is based on interviews with 2,253 people aged 60 and over. This survey is a part of a larger study conducted for the Social Development Section, Economic and Social Commission for the Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), United Nations, Bangkok, along with four other South East Asian countries - China, Korea, Singapore and Thailand. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020321211 A
ClassmarkCC: L: 3F: 7FA

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