Centre for Policy on Ageing


The future for care homes in Scotland
 — a consultation paper
Author(s)Gillian Ottley
Corporate AuthorSingle Care Home Working Subgroup, National Care Standards Committee, Scottish Executive
PublisherScottish Executive, Edinburgh, 2001
Pages12 pp
SourceThe Stationery Office, 71 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9AZ.
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Management [care] ; Standards of provision ; Government publications ; Scotland.
AnnotationFrom April 2002, the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care (SCRC) has responsibility for regulating all care homes in Scotland, including those provided by local authorities. The legislative distinction between nursing and residential care homes also ceases; and who uses care homes in the future will depend on how far community care, sheltered housing, and support to people in their own homes develop. This paper sets out what needs to be different for care homes to deliver the sort of services that are visualised. It covers: the objectives of a care home; proposed new physical standards from April 2002; staff training; assessment of need; informed choice; fees; and equipment. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020220212 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: Q3: QA: 583: 6OA: 9A

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