Centre for Policy on Ageing


Depression in primary care
 — 1: Elderly patients' disclosure of depressive symptoms to their doctors
Author(s)Daniel W O'Connor, Richard Rosewarne, Ann Bruce
Journal titleInternational Psychogeriatrics, vol 13, no 3, September 2001
Pagespp 359-366
KeywordsDepression ; Symptoms ; Patients ; Communication ; General practitioners ; Australia.
AnnotationIn a survey of 1,021 patients aged 70+ of 30 general practitioners (GPs) in Melbourne, Australia, the Canberra Interview for the Elderly was used to gauge the prevalence of depressive symptoms, the frequency with which patients informed GPs of their symptoms, and GPs' recognition of major depressive episodes. Logistic regression analysis showed that symptom disclosure was associated in descending order of importance with higher depressive scores, previous contact with a psychiatrist, and female gender. Even so, 48% of those with ICD-10 moderate or severe depressive episode had not reported any current complaints to their doctor at the time of interview. Men and those patients lacking "psychological mindedness" may be at special risk of depression. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020215206 A
ClassmarkENR: CT: LF: U: QT6: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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