Centre for Policy on Ageing


Carers, ethics and dementia
 — a survey and review of the literature
Author(s)Julian C Hughes, Tony Hope, Julian Savulescu
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 17, no 1, January 2002
Pagespp pp 35-40
KeywordsDementia ; Social ethics ; Informal care ; Qualitative Studies ; Pilot ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationWhile there has been an increasing amount of interest in the psychosocial problems facing carers of people with dementia, the ethical nature of some of these problems has largely been ignored. A systematic literature search using Medline, Climpsych and CINAHL databases between 1982 and 2000 indicates that although quantitative research answers some questions, it is qualitative research that deepens our understanding of the issues from the perspective of carers. A pilot survey of 10 carers also provides a wide variety of issues and unique approaches that could shape and inform support given to carers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020212212 A
ClassmarkEA: TQ: P6: 3DP: 4UC: 64A

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