Centre for Policy on Ageing


Public attitudes to the healthcare of older people in Scotland
 — [research commissioned for the Expert Group on Healthcare of Older People]
Author(s)Simon Braunholtz, Barry Stalker
Corporate AuthorMORI Scotland; Scottish Executive Central Research Unit; NHS Scotland
PublisherScottish Executive Central Research Unit, Edinburgh, 2002
Pages49 pp (+ CRU catalogue)
SourceThe Stationery Office Bookshop, 71 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9AZ. tel: 0870 606 55 66
KeywordsHealth services ; Usage [services] ; Consumer ; Social surveys ; Scotland.
AnnotationMORI Scotland was commissioned by the Scottish Executive to conduct research with members of the public aged 60+ into their perceptions of the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland. The aim was to examine older people's views on the service provided by the NHS, and to consider their experiences with the service. This report considers these views in six chapters: the degree of contact older people have with the NHS each year; contact with general practitioner (GP); the perceptions of older people towards the NHS in Scotland; examples of best experience with the NHS over the past year; examples of worst experience with the NHS over the past year; and suggestions to improve the health service. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020212203 B
ClassmarkL: QLD: WY: 3F: 9A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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