Centre for Policy on Ageing


Hip protectors in aged-care facilities
 — a randomized trial of use by individual higher risk residents
Author(s)Ian D Cameron, Jennifer Venman, Susan E Kurrle
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 30, no 6, November 2001
Pagespp 477-482
KeywordsFractures ; Preventative medicine ; Clothing aids ; Older women ; At risk ; Residents [care homes] ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Australia.
AnnotationIn an Australian study of 174 women aged 75+ who had two or more falls or one fall requiring hospital admission in the previous 3 months, 86 were in the intervention group, 88 in the control group. The study found that hip protectors were not effective in reducing the incidence of hip fractures. Because of the low statistical power, a low reduction in risk of hip fractures of up to 50% may not have been detected. There was limited adherence in their use, resulting in a large number of falls occurring without hip protectors in place. All hip fractures in the intervention group occurred when hip protectors were not being used. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020121208 A
ClassmarkCUF: LK2: MQC: BD: CA3: KX: KW: LHB: 7YA

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