Centre for Policy on Ageing


The responsibility to care for single homeless people
Author(s)Maureen Crane, Anthony M Warnes
Journal titleHealth & Social Care in the Community, vol 9, no 6, November 2001
Pagespp 436-444
KeywordsHomelessness ; Single persons ; Needs [elderly] ; Community care ; Health services ; Management [care].
AnnotationReasons are examined as to why many single homeless people with severe physical and mental health problems and welfare needs do not receive the treatment, care and financial support that they manifestly need. In particular, this paper considers the interaction between their personal characteristics and services' organisation and obligations. The greatest weaknesses of the service system are that no single agency has a statutory responsibility to ensure that vulnerable homeless people are served, and none of the generalist welfare agencies have a duty to seek out those who do not present. As a result, single homeless people fall between the housing, health and social services and amass exceptional unmet needs. This paper appraises ways in which the Rough Sleepers' Unit (RSU) has been tackling these problems, and the possibility that the RSU's responsibilities will be transferred to local authorities in 2002, on which the authors make recommendations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-020109215 A
ClassmarkK4A: SQ: IK: PA: L: QA

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