Centre for Policy on Ageing


A report of the joint review of social services in Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Corporate AuthorJoint Reviews of Local Authorities' Social Services, Audit Commission; Social Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DoH
PublisherAudit Commission Publications, London, 2001
Pages88 pp (Joint reviews)
SourceAudit Commission Publications, Bookpoint Ltd., 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD.
KeywordsSocial Services Departments ; Performance ; Inspection ; Evaluation ; Wakefield.
AnnotationThe purpose of the joint review is to assess objectively how well local people in Wakefield are being served by their social services. More than two-thirds of users and carers responding to the Review's questionnaire were aged over 75, and expressed a high satisfaction rating. However, Wakefield is also a low-spending authority in an area of high social deprivation, facing high and increasing levels of demand, and it has continued to rely almost exclusively on providing its own services at a high cost. The report notes examples of good practice, such as a Carelink Scheme which operates a community alarm system, and the Home Care Change Programme having the aim of improving the quality and flexibility of the service. Priorities for action relate to setting priorities and streamlining management and procedures, to improve the quality of services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011219204 B
ClassmarkPF: 5H: 3U: 4C: 88E

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