Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health information kiosk use in health organisations
 — the views of the health professionals
Author(s)David Nicholas, Peter Williams, Paul Huntington
Journal titleAslib Proceedings, vol 53, no 9, October 2001
Pagespp 368-386
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Information technology ; Usage [services] ; Medical workers ; Attitude ; Social surveys.
AnnotationIn-depth one-to-one and group interviews were undertaken with health professionals and surgery practice managers in medical locations where a touch screen information kiosk was available for use by patients. The purpose of these interviews was to provide context and understanding for the kiosk data log that provides data on the number and length of use sessions, pages viewed, and age and gender of users. The interviews also covered issues such as the benefits and problems inherent in providing health information "online" and the impact of electronic information for patients on the work of the medical practitioner. Results showed disproportionately high use of the kiosk by children. A number of factors such as poor IT skills and cultural barriers help explain low use by the 55-74 age group, whilst a resurgence of interest among the over 74s will be a mystery until the patients themselves are interviewed directly. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011214201 A
ClassmarkCC: UVB: QLD: QT: DP: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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