Centre for Policy on Ageing


Emerging patterns of care management: arrangements for older people in England
 — arrangements for older people in England
Author(s)David Challis, Kate Weiner, Robin Darton
Journal titleSocial Policy & Administration, vol 35, no 5, December 2001
Pagespp 672-687
KeywordsMental disorder ; Management [care] ; Evaluation ; Methodology ; England.
AnnotationOne of the key objectives of the community care legislation, implemented in the UK in 1993 was the development of care management systems. Subsequent studies based on limited samples of local authorities have indicated that there is much variation in the forms and types of arrangements being developed. This article explores whether typologies of care management arrangements for older people can be discerned through the analysis of a series of key indicators. Data were drawn from a survey of all English local authorities, undertaken as part of the PSSRU study: Mapping and Evaluation of Care Management Arrangements for Older People and those with Mental Health Problems. Care management arrangements were categorized using a limited number of key indicators chosen on an empirical and an a priori basis. This resulted in the formulation of six categories of care management arrangements for older people, within which approximately 80 per cent of local authorities could be included. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011210201 A
ClassmarkE: QA: 4C: 3D: 82

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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