Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intensive care-management at home
 — an alternative to institutional care?
Author(s)David Challis, Robin Darton, Jane Hughes
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 30, no 5, September 2001
Pagespp 409-414
KeywordsHome nursing ; Community care ; Management [care] ; Social Services Departments ; Social surveys.
AnnotationCare management and assessment of need are the cornerstones of the 1990s community care reforms. Although much of the research base has been on highly vulnerable older people, in practice, care management has been implemented for a wider group. Based on a survey of all English social services departments (SSDs), local authorities were classified according to the presence or absence of seven indicators of intensive care management at home. 97% of SSDs had a goal of providing a community-base alternative to residential and nursing home care. However, only 5% had specialist intensive care services for older people. Other key indicators of intensive care management - such as devolved budgets, health service care managers, small caseloads and other eligibility criteria - were uncommon. Any move towards community-based provision of care for frail older people should involve closer links with secondary health-care services (such as geriatric medicine). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011204208 A
ClassmarkN4: PA: QA: PF: 3F

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