Centre for Policy on Ageing


Good neighbour or professional: the grey areas in the scheme manager's role
 — a workshop: University of Sussex, Friday 28th September 2001
Corporate AuthorCentre for Social Policy and Social Work, University of Sussex; Sussex Gerontology Network, Sheltered Housing Group
PublisherSchool of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, 2001
Pages14 pp
SourceProfessor Peter Lloyd, School of Social Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9SN.
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Personnel ; Management [care] ; Standards of provision ; Conference proceedings.
AnnotationIs it possible for sheltered housing scheme managers to be both neighbours and professionals, and where are the boundaries or "grey areas" between the two? Presentations were made, each considering the legal, management, insurance and trade union perspectives. Workshop participants - mainly scheme managers and residents - listed the "grey areas" they most often encountered: personal care; domestic tasks; scheme events; and rights to information about residents. The themes identified are presented as a guide for good practice, for discussion among sheltered housing providers, staff and residents. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011203220 P
ClassmarkKLA: QM: QA: 583: 6M *

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