Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elder Law and Finance
Journal titleElder Law and Finance, vol 1, no 1, 2001 to 2002, vol 2, no 3
PublisherJordan Publishing, Bristol
SourceThe Editors, Elder Law and Finance, Jordan Publishing Ltd, 21 St Thomas Street, Bristol BS1 6JS.
AnnotationThis journal aims to provide coverage of all aspects of elder law and practice. This emerging specialism covers long term care, physical or financial abuse, end of life decisions, tax and pension planning or care fees and welfare benefits. Contributions from lawyers and other interested professionals are welcomed and these will take the form of articles, comment, experiences and case law notes. Published six times a year (with four issues in 2001). A cumulative index appears in each issue for each volume. Ceased publication but due to be relaunched. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-011203203 H

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