Centre for Policy on Ageing


Co-existing conditions and utilisation of health services associated with heart failure: general practice based study
 — general-practice-based study
Author(s)Shamini Gnani, Charlotte Ellis, Azeem Majeed
Journal titleHealth Statistics Quarterly, no 12, Winter 2001
Pagespp 27-33
KeywordsHeart disease ; Health services ; Usage [services] ; General practice ; Statistics [data] ; England ; Wales.
AnnotationConditions that occur with heart failure and the associated use of health services by patients with heart failure are examined with regard to their demographic and socio-economic conditions. Data come from the Fourth National Survey of Morbidity in General Practice in England and Wales, carried out in 1991/1992. The prevalence of patients consulting with heart failure during that year was 8.3 per 1,000 patients. The risk of co-existing disease was higher among heart failure patients than patients without heart failure. Patients with heart failure consulted their general practitioner (GP) more frequently, required a home visit, and needed referral to secondary care more than patients without heart failure, irrespective of age, sex or social class. These findings suggest that higher levels of morbidity among heart failure patients lead to substantially higher GP service use. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011127209 A
ClassmarkCQH: L: QLD: L5: 6C: 82: 9

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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