Centre for Policy on Ageing


Better care higher standards
 — guidance for 2001/02
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DH; Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions - DETR
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, 1 March 2001
Pages8 pp (Health service circular HSC 2001/006: Local authority circular LAC (2001)6
SourceDepartment of Health, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. Website: http://www.doh.gov.uk/longtermcare/index.htm
KeywordsCirculars ; Department of Health [legislation and circulars] ; Local Authority Circulars ; Services ; Rights [elderly] ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThis circular sets out guidance and related good practice on the development of joint local Better Care Higher Standards charters for people who need long term care and their carers. These charters were implemented from June 2000 following publication of the national charter and guidance in December 1999, jointly published by the Department of Health and Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. Charters are for anyone 18 or over in England who has difficulties associated with old age, long term illness or disability and for carers who support people in these circumstances. The charter will inform anyone needing care or support over the longer term in what areas they can expect health, housing and social services to set standards for the services they provide and what to do if these are not met. The Nuffield Institute for Health carried out an analysis of the first round of charters on behalf of the DH/DETR and coupled with workshops held in April 2000 by local and health authorities, have helped feed into the production of this guidance. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-011122204 C
Classmark6I: VK9: LAC(2001)6: I: IKR: 583*

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