Centre for Policy on Ageing


Syntagmatic-paradigmatic reversal in Alzheimer-type dementia
Author(s)Melinda K Baker, Lauren S Seifert
Journal titleClinical Gerontologist, vol 23, nos 1/2, 2001
Pagespp 65-80
KeywordsDementia ; Cognitive processes ; Evaluation.
AnnotationLanguage function in individuals with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) declines over the course of dementia. Researchers have proposed that much of this decline is "first-in: last-out". Thus, one might expect regression to a previous level of language function - as among bilinguals who regress to their first language. General regression from paradigmatic to syntagmatic associations may also occur. In this study, 18 individuals with probable Alzheimer's disease generated names for pictures, categorized pictures and responded with associations to pictures. Evidence of syntagmatic-paradigmatic reversal was documented, with low functioning participants generating fewer paradigmatic responses than did high functioning participants. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011121209 A
ClassmarkEA: DA: 4C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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