Centre for Policy on Ageing


Experiencing undesired daily life events, instrumental functioning, social support and well-being of Israeli elderly women
 — comparison between caregivers/non-caregivers for adult children with mental retardation
Author(s)Arie Rimmerman, Miriam Muraver
Journal titleJournal of Women & Aging, vol 13, no 2, 2001
Pagespp 57-70
KeywordsOlder women ; Mental health [elderly] ; Well being ; Women as carers ; Cognitive impairment ; Children [offspring] ; Israel.
AnnotationThe study examined the extent to which 160 Israeli mothers who care for an adult child with learning disabilities differ in respect of undesired daily life events, instrumental functioning, social support and well-being from a comparably matched group of age peers. Findings indicated that caregivers for adult children with learning disabilities reported more undesired daily life events in comparison to the matched group. However, no differences were found in respect to their instrumental functioning, social support and well-being. A detailed analysis showed significant variations in measures of undesired daily life events and social support. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011106207 A
ClassmarkBD: D: D:F:5HH: P6:SH: E4: SS: 7H6

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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