Centre for Policy on Ageing


The impact of men's and women's retirement on marital relations
 — a comparative analysis
Author(s)Liat Kulik
Journal titleJournal of Women & Aging, vol 13, no 2, 2001
Pagespp 21-38
KeywordsOlder men ; Older women ; Retirement ; Personal relationships ; Married couples ; Housework ; Comparison ; Israel.
AnnotationQuestionnaires distributed to a sample of 519 pre-retired and retired Israelis were used in examining whether men and women's retirement have a differential impact on the following aspects of marital life: power relations, spousal resources, division of household tasks, and quality of marriage. In general, retired respondents of both sexes reported fewer marital complaints than the pre-retired, but also expressed less marital enjoyment. There are differences between men's and women's experiences in retirement, and these concern decisions about housework and performance of "feminine" tasks. While women reported higher quality of marriage and more resources for strengthening the family, men perceived themselves as making more decisions in the important areas of life, as more handy, and as controlling the family's financial resources. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011106205 A
ClassmarkBC: BD: G3: DS: SM: GH6: 48: 7H6

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