Centre for Policy on Ageing


Can managers research their own services?
 — an experiment in consulting frail, older community care clients
Author(s)Charles Patmore
Journal titleManaging Community Care, vol 9, no 5, October 2001
Pagespp 8-17
KeywordsCommunity care ; Consumer choice ; Social Services Departments ; Managers ; Interviewing ; Methodology.
AnnotationAs part of Best Value (BV) reviews, social services departments (SSDs) must include information on consultations with frail older people who live in their own homes. This article describes the test of a method for consulting frail older people about the quality of social services and their unmet need. The method - home interviews by senior social services managers - was prompted by advice from older social services clients about how best to obtain their views. Results of the interview programme are presented, together with the benefits arising specifically from using managers as interviewers. Future application of this approach is discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011030202 A
ClassmarkPA: WYC: PF: T6: 3DL: 3D

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