Centre for Policy on Ageing


Development of a pain attitudes questionnaire to assess stoicism and cautiousness for possible age differences
Author(s)Hua-Hie Yong, Stephen J Gibson, David J de L Horne
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 56B, no 5, September 2001
Pagespp P279-P284
KeywordsPain ; Attitude ; Living in the community ; Questionnaires ; Australia.
AnnotationThe reliability and validity of a pain attitudes questionnaire (PAQ) for use in relation to stoicism and cautiousness relevant to pain perception was examined with 373 healthy Australian residents by four age groups: 154 aged 40 and under; 55 aged 41-60; 136 aged 61 to 80; and 24 over 80s. Age-related increase in degrees of reticence to pain, self-doubt, and reluctance to label a sensation as painful was found, emphasising the need for careful consideration of pain attitudes in older patients who may under-report their pain symptoms. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011025203 A
ClassmarkCT7: DP: K4: 3DA: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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