Centre for Policy on Ageing


Caring for children and older people - a comparison of European policies and practices
Author(s)Tine Rostgaard, Torben Fridberg
Corporate AuthorDanish National Institute of Social Research
PublisherDanish National Institute of Social Research, Copenhagen, 1998
Pages597 pp (Social Security in Europe 6)
SourceDanish National Institute of Social Research, Herluf Trolles Gade 11, DK-1052 Kobenhavn K, Denmark.
KeywordsServices ; Expenditure [care] ; Social policy ; Comparison ; Europe.
AnnotationThis report on social care for older people and children in Europe is part of a comparative project, "Social security in Europe". The report focuses on policy objectives of social care and cash benefits as regards target groups, criteria of eligibility, standard, and policy preferences; whether benefit is governed centrally, regionally or locally; financing of benefits; and provision of benefits in kind. Developments in seven countries - Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, England, France and Germany - are outlined as follows: history of care; financing; provision; organisation; caring for children; social services for older people; and developments and changes, 1982-1996. An appendix provides more detailed tables of expenditure and numbers of recipients. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-011016201 B
ClassmarkI: QD: TM2: 48: 74

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