Centre for Policy on Ageing


Dementia, cognitive impairment and mortality in persons aged 65 and over living in the community
 — a systematic review of the literature
Author(s)Michael E Dewey, Pedro Saz
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 16, no 8, August 2001
Pagespp 751-761
KeywordsDementia ; Cognitive impairment ; Death rate [statistics] ; Living in the community ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationData sources used were Medline, Embase, personal files and colleagues' records; and studies were considered if most of the subjects were aged 65+ at baseline. 68 community-based studies were located, and effect sizes were extracted from the studies and if they were not included in the published studies, effect sizes were calculated where possible: this was possible with 23 studies of cognitive impairment and 32 of dementia. Findings indicate that there is indeed an increased hazard associated with both dementia and cognitive impairment, and that this risk rises with severity. The differential hazard is probably less at older ages. The evidence suggests that vascular dementia (VAD) may carry a higher risk than Alzheimer's disease (AD), but that we do not know what people suffering from dementia die of. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010928204 A
ClassmarkEA: E4: S5: K4: 64A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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