Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making connections: good practice in the prevention and management of elder abuse
 — learning from SSI inspection reports in community and residential care settings
Author(s)Claudine McCreadie
Corporate AuthorAge Concern Institute of Gerontology - ACIOG, King's College London
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, 2001
Pages48 pp (Reference 24151)
SourceDepartment of Health Publications, PO Box 777, London SE1 6XH. Fax 01623 724524. E-mail: doh@prolog.uk.com
KeywordsElder abuse ; Management [care] ; Community care ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Inspection ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationSocial Services Inspectorate (SSI) reports use common or related standards and often make explicit connections between apparently disparate areas of policy and practice. They are also a valuable source of evidence about local authority responses to problems such as elder abuse. This study uses all SSI reports published between 1994 and 1999 (since the report "No longer afraid", SSI, 1993) to examine that evidence, to present a summary of responses by local authority, to select and analyse examples of good practice, and to summarise SSI recommendations. The study also links findings to the research literature; and suggestions are made for further research. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010903001 B
ClassmarkQNT: QA: PA: KW: LHB: 3U: 3A:6KC

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