Centre for Policy on Ageing


SENECA, research into action
Author(s)Louise Davies
Corporate AuthorEURONUT-SENECA, (Survey in Europe on Nutrition and the Elderly: a Concerted Action)
Pages12 pp
KeywordsNutrition ; Health [elderly] ; Social surveys ; Europe.
AnnotationThis booklet summarizes the results of the SENECA surveys and attempts to bridge the gap between research findings and practical action. The SENECA surveys were initiated in 1988 with the aim of studying cross-cultural differences in nutritional issues and life-style factors affecting health and performance of older people in Europe. The surveys involved participation from 2,586 people, from 19 towns across Europe. Data regarding nutrients and food intakes, diet habits, diet awareness, nutritional status, health and life-style factors were collected. For more detailed information the reader is referred to the journal "European Journal on Clinical Nutrition", 1991, volume 45 (supplement 3), pp 1-196. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-010809213 B
ClassmarkCF: CC: 3F: 74

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