Centre for Policy on Ageing


The quality of medical care
 — report of the Standing Medical Advisory Committee for the Secretaries of State for Health and Wales
Author(s)Eric Stroud
Corporate AuthorWorking Group on the Quality of Medical Care, Standing Medical Advisory Committee, Department of Health - DH
PublisherHMSO, London, 1990
Pages35 pp
KeywordsMedical care ; Quality ; Evaluation ; Measurement ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Secretary of State sought the views of this Committee on how the quality of medical care may best be assessed and assured in a systematic way, particularly advice on types of audit. This report focuses on medical audit, providing an historical perspective, and outlining its general principles, context, value and practice, the steps to be taken to establish medical audit, and the conduct of medical audit in different settings. The development of outcome indicators is also considered. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010809210 B
ClassmarkLK: 59: 4C: 3R: 6OA

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