Centre for Policy on Ageing


Smart homes
 — a specification guide
Author(s)Tim Venables, Colin Taylor
Corporate AuthorJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF, York, 2001
Pages23 pp
SourceYork Publishing Services Ltd, 64 Hallfield Road, Layerthorpe, York YO31 7ZQ.
KeywordsHousing [elderly] ; Safety devices ; Assistive technology ; Equipment ; Specifications.
AnnotationThe JRF Smart Homes Project aims to encourage housing and equipment suppliers to provide the home technology that will support future lifestyles and aspirations, by demonstrating what is realistically possible to achieve now. This manual is based on work carried out by and on behalf of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) in the previous five years. It serves as an introduction to the smart home, and explains some of the technologies available with examples from the demonstration houses in York (at Hartrigg Oaks and New Earswick) built by JRF. A complimentary copy of "Smart homes: a user's guide" accompanies this publication. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010726203 B
ClassmarkKE: OT: M: YW: 6Q

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