Centre for Policy on Ageing


Equal opportunities for older women in politics and society : approaches to political measures and good practice in association work designed to take cognisance of the specific living conditions of older women
 — proceedings of a European conference held in Brussels on February 1/2, 2001
Author(s)Karin Stiehr, Susanne Huth
Corporate AuthorGerman Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; Directorate-General V, European Commission
PublisherVerlag Peter Wiehl, on behalf of Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen (BAGSO), Stuttgart, 2001
Pages75 pp
SourceBundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen (BAGSO), Bonn.
KeywordsOlder women ; Sexual equality ; Practical politics ; Living patterns ; Social policy ; Conference proceedings ; Europe.
AnnotationAlmost every fifth person in Europe is a woman aged 50 and over, so that political debate is destined to be more strongly influenced by the concerns of older women than has hitherto been the case. Speeches and workshops at this conference considered women's empowerment and participation with regard to their interest in politics. A paper on work conducted in Germany, Austria and France for the project, "Equal Opportunities for Women: Exchanging Information and Experience over the Internet" (www.sophia-net.org) suggests that, despite legislation and other advances, equal opportunities for women are anything but widespread. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010726202 B
ClassmarkBD: TM8: VL: K7: TM2: 6M: 74

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