Centre for Policy on Ageing


Physician-patient racial matching, effectiveness of care, use of services, and patient satisfaction
Author(s)Daniel L Howard, Thomas R Konrad, Catherine Stevens
Journal titleResearch on Ageing, vol 23, no 1, January 2001
Pagespp 83-108
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Patients ; Hypertension ; General practitioners ; Usage [services] ; Performance ; Consumer ; Satisfactory ; United States of America.
AnnotationAnalee Beisecker, in "Older persons' medical encounters and their outcomes" (Research on Aging, 1996), noted that most studies of ethnic matching between doctors and patients have not focused on older patients. The present study examines a sample of older African Americans and whites who had identified an African American or a white doctor as their usual health provider. It also examines the relationship between the social and clinical characteristics of survey respondents along with characteristics of their usual care physician (including race) and several outcomes. Specific dependent variables examined were the older person's pattern of care for hypertension, whether the respondent delayed seeking care quite often, emergency department visits as a proportion of total visits, and their satisfaction with care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010723205 A
ClassmarkTK: LF: CQQ: QT6: QLD: 5H: WY: 5HH: 7T

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