Centre for Policy on Ageing


Racial, ethnic and cultural differences in the dementia caregiving experience
 — recent findings
Author(s)Mary R Janevic, Cathleen M Connell
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 41, no 3, June 2001
Pagespp 334-347
KeywordsDementia ; Family care ; Ethnic groups ; Research Reviews ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis research reviews studies published between 1996 and 2000 that compare two or more racial, ethnic, national, or cultural groups on aspects of the caregiving experience. 21 articles based on 18 samples are identified, and include comparisons involving the following groups of caregivers: African Americans, Chinese, Chinese Americans, Koreans, Korean Americans, Latinos, Whites, and residents of 14 European Union (EU) countries. This article serves as an update to the Connell and Gibson review (Gerontologist, 1997), and answers the following questions. Are the substantive conclusions drawn from the 1997 review regarding between-group differences supported by this more recent literature? What new information does this current group of studies offer? What important methodological issues are brought to light by recent cross-cultural dementia caregiving research, and what are fruitful directions for future research in this area? (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010718215 A
ClassmarkEA: P6:SJ: TK: 3A:6KC: 7T

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