Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gerontology education in transition
 — considering disciplinary and paradigmatic evolution
Author(s)Scott A Bass, Kenneth F Ferraro
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 40, no 1, February 2000
Pagespp 97-106
KeywordsAgeing process ; University education ; Multi disciplinary ; United States of America.
AnnotationRecent changes in US higher education suggest the development in gerontological education and research of a more integrated, interdisciplinary approach. The authors assert that gerontology is currently a multidisciplinary field of inquiry, but that at selected schools it is moving towards a multidisciplinary field which may ultimately evolve into a new discipline. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010718212 A
ClassmarkBG: V7M: 3DM: 7T

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