Centre for Policy on Ageing


Unhealthy charges
 — CAB evidence on the impact of health charges
Author(s)Liz Phelps
Corporate AuthorNational Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux - NACAB
PublisherNACAB, London, 2001
Pages48 pp (NACAB E/4/01)(includes summary)
SourceNACAB, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LZ.
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Drugs ; Dental services ; Ophthalmic services ; Charges ; Citizens Advice ; Reports.
AnnotationDespite exemptions and help for those on low incomes provided by health benefit schemes, many people experience financial difficulty with access to NHS care, as demonstrated in this report based on a survey of some 1600 citizens' advice bureaux (CAB) clients in England and Wales. Although the NHS Plan (Cm 4118-1, TSO, 2000) sets out an agenda for modernising the NHS, it excludes any assessment of the impact of health charges. Case studies illustrate the effects of prescription, dental and optical charges, also costs of travel to hospital and other health appointments. The CAB Service recommends a review of NHS charges or their abolition, and that the proposed health poverty index should include expenditure on health charges. Otherwise, reducing health inequalities and ensuring fair access to health will not be achieved. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010717213 B
ClassmarkL4: LLD: L8: L7: QEJ: PLLA: 6K

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