Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elderly persons in an Indian urban community
 — a sample survey
Author(s)P Ilango
Journal titleBOLD, vol 11, no 2, February 2001
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), February 2001
Pagespp 5-9
KeywordsSocial characteristics [elderly] ; Urban areas ; Social surveys ; India.
AnnotationIndia observed the International Year for Older Persons in 1999 by formulating a national policy for older people. The main objectives of this study of older people are to: examine the socio-demographic characteristics of those living in an urban neighbourhood; study their economic status; study the interaction of older people and their families, relatives and neighbours; assess their physical and mental health; and to obtain their opinions about elder care. There is evidence of progress towards ensuring a serene and peaceful life for older people in India. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010706201 A
ClassmarkF: RK: 3F: 7FA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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