Centre for Policy on Ageing


Sexuality and older people
 — an introduction to nursing assessment
Author(s)Hazel Heath, Isabel White
Journal titleNursing Older People, vol 13, no 4, June 2001
Pagespp 29-31
KeywordsSexual activity ; Personal relationships ; In-patients ; Nursing ; Evaluation.
AnnotationSexuality remains a challenging and complex aspect of nursing practice, which involves daily contact with patients' bodies, emotions, relationships and lives in general. This creates a delicate interface between the professional and personal aspects in nurses' lives. Nurses are professional carers, who may or may not experience sexuality in their own lives. They also have a range of individual and deeply held beliefs, values, desires and difficulties. The authors outline effective assessment of this area of patient care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010622220 A
ClassmarkBIU: DS: LF7: LQ: 4C

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