Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gender use of time
 — three European studies
Corporate AuthorDirectorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission
PublisherOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2000
Pages138 pp (Employment and social afairs) (Equality between men and women)
SourceOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities, L-2985 Luxembourg.
KeywordsEmployees ; Conditions of employment ; The Family ; Social trends ; Sexual equality ; Time conditions ; European Union ; Europe.
AnnotationThe distribution of working, care and leisure time between women and men reveals the gendered structure of our societies. Summaries are presented of three studies undertaken in the framework of the Medium-term Community Action Programme on Equal Opportunities for women and men (1996-2000). The first, "Flexible working and the reconciliation of work and family life - or a new form of precariousness", co-ordinated by Diana Perrons (London School of Economics - LSE), concludes that, even with the advantages of flexible working, women continue to be dependent on their partners or the state. The second is "Reorganisation of working time ... Equal opportunities for men and women ... Job creation ... How are they linked?" This examines the link between gender equality, time reduction and job creation in the promotion of human potential and better organisation of working time, referring to examples of innovative companies. The third, "The future of work in Europe", investigates gendered patterns of time distribution and their impact on the labour market in Europe. It proposes policy measures promoting a new work culture with a better balance between paid and unpaid work for women and men. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010606205 B
ClassmarkWK: WKA: SJ: TM3: TM8: 4E: WFC: 74

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