Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making the links : developing services which address the housing, health and care needs of older people
 — a study of diversification in home improvement agencies
Author(s)Sue Adams
Corporate AuthorCare and Repair England
PublisherCare and Repair England, Nottingham, 2001
Pages3 booklets in folder
SourceCare & Repair England, Bridgford House, Pavilion Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5GJ.
KeywordsOwner occupied dwellings ; Improvement ; Advisory services [elderly] ; Services ; Needs [elderly] ; Projects ; Social surveys.
Annotation"Making the links" details and analyses expansion of home improvement agencies' (HIAs) provision into new areas, and is the result of a 3-year study funded by the Housing Corporation and Anchor Trust as part of their "Crossing the Housing and Care Divide". A summary outlines the aims, policy context and main findings with regard to cross-cutting, diversification, partnership and inter-agency working. Book 1 sets on the current policy context, looks at the outcome of the study into the provision of a diverse range of services by HIAs, and highlights the main conclusions for planners, commissioners and service providers. Book 2 profiles 13 of the additional services being provided by HIAs: hospital discharge; handyperson service; Disabled People's Housing Service; Disabled People's Project; aids and adaptations; emergency lifeline service; integrated home maintenance; energy efficiency; home security; gardening; decorating; unsolicited calls helpline; and home maintenance. Three experimental projects are examined in detail: Home from Hospital (Sefton); New Deal Meeting Housing and Care Needs (Coventry and Rugby); and Daily Living Support (Warwick). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010521205 B
ClassmarkKEA: 5ST: IT I: IK: 3E: 3F

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