Centre for Policy on Ageing


Charging for care - the views of care managers
Author(s)Bridget Penhale, Greta Bradley, Jill Manthorpe
Journal titleCare Plan, vol 7, no 3, March 2001
Pagespp 8-11
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Charges ; Social ethics ; Attitude ; Lawyers ; Social workers.
AnnotationA study funded by the Nuffield Foundation explored attitudes, practices and policy in relation to charging and assessing older people considering entering residential and nursing home care. This article focuses on the attitudes and views of care managers in their work on financial assessment. The authors' study, "Ethical dilemmas and administrative justice: perceptions of social and legal professionals towards charging for residential and nursing home care", was published by the Department of Social Work at the University of Hull in 2000. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010424201 A
ClassmarkKW: LHB: QEJ: TQ: DP: XQ: QR

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