Centre for Policy on Ageing


Review of funding for black and minority ethnic groups in the voluntary sector in Scotland
 — final report
Corporate AuthorVoluntary Issues Unit, Scottish Executive; Reid-Howie Associates
PublisherTSO, Edinburgh, 2001
Pages82 pp
SourceThe Stationery Office Bookshop, 71 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH3 9AZ.
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Voluntary agencies ; Grant allocation ; Social policy ; Scotland.
AnnotationA review of voluntary sector funding in Scotland - particularly black and minority ethnic voluntary organisations - is a Ministerial priority. This research carried out by Reid-Howie Associates for the Scottish Executive explored the literature on sources of funding. The report outlines types of funding provision and who provides funding. Detailed qualitative information is presented in relation to experiences of funding provision and receipt. Gaps in and barriers to funding are identified. The conclusions point to a public policy focus in Scotland on promoting equality and tackling social exclusion which is not yet reflected in grant provision. Recommendations are made accordingly for a more strategic approach to funding of black and minority ethnic voluntary organisations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010419215 B
ClassmarkTK: PK: QCG: TM2: 9A

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