Centre for Policy on Ageing


Poverty: (two studies of older people in the UK)
Author(s)Gary Craig
Journal titleResearch Matters: a digest of research in social services, issue 11, April/October 2001
Pagespp 30-32
KeywordsPensions ; Income [older people] ; Poverty ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationPoverty among older people in the UK shows no sign of decreasing. Two very different studies give details about the reality of living in poverty for many older people in the UK. First, the House of Commons' Social Security Committee's seventh report in session 1999/2000, "Pensioner poverty", concluded that the Government should "commission research to establish a minimum income standard for households over pension age in both absolute and relative terms". Second, Hermione Parker in "Low cost but acceptable incomes for older people" (Age Concern, in association with the Family Budget Unit, 2000), considers how much it costs older people in the UK to reach an acceptable living standard and avoid social exclusion. The reviewer suggests that the two reports together provide all the evidence needed by campaigners to press for more effective and generous help for older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010419209 A
ClassmarkJJ: JF: W6: 64A

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