Centre for Policy on Ageing


Pictorial outcome measures for the hospital care of older patients
 — a suggested toolkit
Author(s)Paul F Findlay, D Gwyn Seymour, William R Primrose
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 30, no 1, January 2001
Pagespp 27-32
KeywordsAdmission [hospitals] ; Discharge [hospitals] ; Graphs ; Interpretation.
AnnotationThe authors propose three pictorial methods for presenting outcome data in older patients admitted to hospital for medical assessment and/or rehabilitation. The methods are: place of discharge, using a two-dimensional diagram; "survival" analysis, but using discharge from hospital rather than death as the endpoint; and "phase diagrams", a novel method of charting the progress of a cohort of patients. These graphical techniques have become available through the use of personal computers. Together with more conventional measures, these techniques should prove useful to those who wish to evaluate their own performance and compare it with those of others. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010418217 A
ClassmarkLD:QKH: LD:QKJ: 6SG: 4CC

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