Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social relations across the life span
 — in search of unified models
Author(s)Mary J Levitt
Journal titleInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol 51, no 1, 2000
Pagespp 71-84
KeywordsFriendship ; Family relationships ; Life span ; Theory.
AnnotationThe authors in this special issue of the International Journal of Aging and Human Development have considered topics relevant to the study of social relations across the life span, including the application of family systems models, the development of friendship relations and the consequences of sibling conflict. This article considers the following issues: the value of conceptualising social development as a life-long process; theoretical and methodological implications of a life course perspective on social relations; and how the collaborative efforts represented in these articles contribute to achieving unified models of life span social development. The collaborators are lauded for their progress toward formulating valid and useful models of family and friendship relations across the life span. The social convoy model is suggested as a broader framework for organizing life span developmental research on diverse relationships. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-010403205 A
ClassmarkDS:SX: DS:SJ: BG6: 4D

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